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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

If you work to improve yourself

We have all heard the adage before, Practice Makes Perfect. Imagine, practicing something until you are actually perfect without flaw in every way supreme is this possible? In a word, no. This ideology,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, if taken to heart, can lead one to a life of constant stress and undue worry and a complete and total lack of self satisfaction. You see, perfection is a concept that is nearly if not completely unattainable. Man, by nature, is not perfect. Add to that the fact that doing something perfectly certainly contains an air of subjectivity and you will quickly realize why trying to attain the status of being PERFECT is a true lesson in futility.
Let's take, for instance, the state of your body and how it looks. Imagine that you are in fantastic shape (ok, I am sure you are, but pretend someone who is reading this is NOT ) You have about 8% body fat and your tummy is ripped. Your shoulders are rounded and chiseled and every line in your biceps and triceps is defined and your legs look like they belong on a statue. You have worked hard for this body and it is perfect ALMOST. Most people that get their body to this level are never fully happy. They can always lose a bit more body fat, or get their arms just a bit bigger. The goal of becoming PERFECT is never ending and thus leads to a constant state of being not quite there. The closer you get to perfection, for some, the further you are. Now, most of us would LOVE to be in this situation. We would LOVE to have a ripped and skinny body and we would be happy with our bodies should we attain this high level of fitness. For those that are stuck in the state of needing to be perfect, however, this can lead to an unhealthy obsession. These individuals will go to incredible lengths to reach their goal. The trouble is,"If you lose your friend, their goal,rather than giving yourself up and going along with something you don't want to do, being PERFECT, may never be reached at least in their minds. They may take steroids, diet pills, quit eating altogether, or any number of other unhealthy measures.
Now, let's take a look at the other side of the coin. You are 250 lbs, not in very good shape, and personally, you are happy as a clam! You have no goal of getting the perfect body and are not really concerned with the whole health and fitness craze. Your body is ample, and you are proud of it. While this person may be happier and more satisfied than one who is striving for perfection, their state of mind may not be that desirable either. You see, life IS about progress. It IS about getting better, being more productive, and moving forward. This does not mean we have to focus every bit of our energy on being perfect, but it does mean that we should try to work on improving ourselves throughout our life. The person who is overweight and unhealthy and happy with themselves is not doing themselves a service. They are perhaps better off in their state of mind, but their state of body may be just as unhealthy as the person in our previous example. So,What business line are they in, should we strive to be perfect, or just be happy with what we've got? How about somewhere in the middle
If you work to improve yourself, and are happy with those improvements, then you can live a healthy and satisfied life no matter WHAT your goals are. Life is a process and if you are always trying to get better and you strive for PROGRESS versus PERFECTION, you stand a much better chance at being happy and satisfied with your life and where you are at any particular time. Be realistic, strive to better yourself and realize that if you are pushing yourself forward in a healthy and productive way then you already ARE perfect

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

As many mothers know

Pregnancy Exercise DVD: Do You Know Which Are The Safe Exercises During Pregnancy,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots? by Steve Barker
So you want a pregnancy exercise DVD, yes? Before you choose one, do you know how to tell if the exercises on it are safe? Are they right for you?
For many expectant mothers, the thought of "safe" and "exercises" during pregnancy may sound at odds in many respects. For one thing, exercise can involve strenuous activities and you would be thinking "that can't be good for my baby". For another thing, pregnancy means that the body is undergoing many changes so being safe means not placing any kind of stress on it.
Fortunately, as your doctor or your family's heath care provider will tell you, these are false assumptions, pure and simple,. With the right exercises, you can actually reap many health benefits for you and your baby. It's important that you know which are the safe exercises during pregnancy, how to do them properly to get the most benefit, how often to do them and the right intensity for your condition,in future.
Better Childbirth Preparation
As many mothers know, childbirth requires physical stamina and strength especially if you want a natural birth. You may even think of it as training for a marathon complete with the proper way to inhale and exhale during contractions. So the better shape your body is in, the better you can survive the pains of childbirth, so to speak. After all, many women (not all though) go through hours of labor and delivery,That you're not reaching your fullest potential, which can sap your strength.
Controlled Weight Gain
Eating for two? You do need a little extra but you are not really eating for two, you need to keep within the recommended weight gain set by your doctor through a proper diet and exercise program. A pregnancy exercise DVD is one of many sources of exercises that will help keep you fit and toned just make sure they are safe exercises during pregnancy. How do you know if they are safe exercises well for one thing you must talk to your doctor about it. In fact before you embark upon any exercise program you must get your doctor's OK.
Improved Physical Health
Pregnancy creates many changes in your body. Although these changes are entirely natural, it's important that you maintain your general health. Keep in mind that your baby's health in your womb rests largely on the physical condition of your growing body, so to speak.
As you progress through your pregnancy there are certain gentle stretching exercises that can help alleviate some of the side effects you are may suffer such as muscle cramps. Swimming amongst other things helps strengthen the abdominal muscles, with stronger muscles it can make it easier to carry your little bundle around with you.
Not to mention that the right exercises can help avoid stretch marks or at least lessen them,physically or sexually abused. Exercise makes you fitter and feel better; if you are fitter you are more likely to sleep better, too. If you get plenty of good quality sleep at night you'll feel the positive effects and have a higher energy level all day.
We wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy and good luck with your choice of safe exercises during pregnancy.

Monday, October 29, 2012

like tasks you can achieve today

Achieve Your Desires By Scoring Goals
Do you have a desire? Silly question I know because everybody has desires,we now reset it and establish new priorities. With a new goal in sight, just not the same ones,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots. Of course there are many that most of us share like those old clichés of health, wealth, and happiness. But there are some that are exclusive to a certain group of people,It is in giving that we grow. For example; a musician may desire to play at the Albert Hall but have no interest in constructing his own website. But enough rambling, it's time I got to the point.
Ask any successful person how they achieved their success and the answer will invariably be along the lines of first identifying the desire, and then achieving that desire by breaking it down into a sequence of smaller steps to be accomplished along the way. Only when these smaller steps have been identified and mapped out can the journey of achievement truly begin.
Sometimes the desire can seem monumental, perhaps even appearing unattainable. But just as conquering the highest peaks, or running a marathon begins with the first step and is followed by the second step,identify your strong points, so too does the achievement of desire. If you can visualize the outcome, you can plan a strategy to achieve it. The strategy may have to be adapted along the way, but without it you achieve little.
The secret of achieving your desires then is to identify the steps you need to take - these are your goals and you should write them down. Sort them into long term goals and short term goals, like tasks you can achieve today, within the next week, this month, this year, and so on. Then work on what you can do now to accomplish one of these goals. When it is done you can tick it off the list and move on. Take time to congratulate yourself too because you just scored a goal!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

regardless of what people say

Down Low and Debatable
Black women talk candidly about men on the down-low. Warning: If you freak out at the mention of the word sex, reading this article may distort your moral values.
On a blustery winter morning in December 1999, Essex Garvey, a stay-at-home mom of four, was sorting laundry, when a glaring exhibition caught her eye. On the TV was a woman recently diagnosed with HIV. Noting the pained look on the woman's face, Garvey discovered that the culprit was the woman's boyfriend, an admitted bisexual. Pointing wildly at the TV she sighed: Damn, that woman should have known her man was poking the log at both ends of the totem pole. Now, that would never happen to me."
Three years later Garvey faced a growing problem among African-American women. She discovered that her husband was embroiled in a steamy down-low affair. For those unfamiliar with the phrase, down- low refers to men who are married or have girlfriends but secretly sleep with men.
Garvey who divorced her husband in 2003, said the real tragedy of this epidemic is the refusal of many women to question their partner's sexual history. As women it is our responsibility to learn as much as we can about the men we sleep with,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, she said stoically. And my reason for stressing this, is, because too many brothers are banging the pipe at both ends of the anal and vaginal chasm without informing their mates. A practice the 38-year-old concedes has led to deadly results.
The DL Debate
Although this lifestyle is not new. The regularity with which it occurs in the African-American community was brought to the forefront in 2004 by J.L. King. An admitted down lower, King is author of the best-seller On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of "Straight" Black Men Who Sleep with Men. The book not only exposed this contentious taboo, it opened African-Americans eyes to a subject they previously chose to ignore, but now can no longer deny its existence.
In assessing this situation, two questions that cannot be ignored is what effect down-lowism has on the health and family of women who are cognizant of their partner's sexual orientation and those who don't have a clue. To find out, I interviewed three women of different backgrounds. Featured among the trio was Cynthia, a prominent attorney who only dates married men; Quiana, a high school drop out who insists that having a piece of man is better than no man at all, and Lucia, a 35-year- old administrative assistant formerly in a relationship with a man on the DL. Because of the sensitive nature of this topic, the actual names of the women were not used. Instead, pseudonyms were applied to protect their identities. Now that you're familiar with the backgrounds, let's hear their stories. The first section will be devoted to health and the disturbing element of the Down-Low Affliction, an increase in HIV among women of color.
Speaking Out
Hearing the results of my HIV test, suddenly anger turned to tears and I actually hugged the doctor. It was then that I realized that I was now part of the Down Low Brigade, says Lucia, describing how she felt after learning her test results were negative. For Lucia this was indeed great news, based on a report by the Centers for Disease Control that says African American women represent a whopping 68 percent of new HIV cases.
Experts maintain the increase in HIV among Black women is attributable to several factors including bisexuality. While it is generally not acknowledged, bisexuality in the Black community is wide spread. Thus,Swimwear, putting women at risk. Agreeing with that assessment is Dr. Alvin Poussaint. In a 1996 interview with Ebony magazine, Dr. Poussaint, a psychiatrist at Harvard University noted, No one knows the number, but there is a lot of bisexuality out there, he asserted. Just take the fact that so many Black men have been incarcerated. An extremely high number engage in homosexuality in prison because there are no other outlets. It is easy for a bisexual man to have a cover women and for no one to know he's really bisexual. Dr. Poussaint urged women to be extremely cautious and get to know their partner.
Not surprisingly, a large number of men on the down- low refuse to characterize themselves as gay or bisexual,or simply get you out of her doghouse. Instead, they insist that they are straight, an observation noted by 1 of the 3 women I interviewed. The average person equates bisexual men with femininity, says Lucia with a twinge of cynicism in her voice. But my boyfriend was all man. He was tall, muscular, masculine and he acted just like a regular man. Now after learning what I know now, I wonder what a regular man is.
When asked what actions they would take if they discovered their men were on the DL, Quiana and Cynthia had vastly different answers. Like I said, having a piece of man in your life is better than having nothing at all, Quiana reiterated. So, if I found out he was on the down-low, I'd ask him to make a decision as to whether he wanted to be with me or with men. If he chose me, then that's all good. But if he decided that a man is more desirable, we could still hook up, but sex would be out of the question. Looking at Quiana in her leather jacket and denim skirt sitting atop a pair of designer boots, I casually asked Is having a man in your life that important? The response was not unexpected. Hell yeah. I gots to have the hook up. And like I said we can hook up, but he ain't getting none of this, she says laughing and pointing to her genitalia. For Cynthia the answer was just the opposite. I have a history of only dating married men. But if I found out one of them was on the DL, I would stop seeing him. Just like that? I asked. Just like that,she says vehemently. I value my health too much to remain in a relationship with someone who's at a high risk of contracting HIV.
After revealing their most intimate secrets, it becomes obvious that the women are uncomfortable discussing down-lowism, but feel compel to explain their feelings. So it was on to the topic of how being in a relationship with a man on the DL can have a detrimental effect on the family.
Of the three women, Quiana says that her kids aren't as naïve about people with alternative lifestyles as the average person; since homosexuality is rampant in her family. When pressed for further information she frowns and says No Comment. In contrast, Cynthia said that under no circumstances would she subject her kids, ages 10 and 7 to a down-low relationship. Although I choose whom I want in my life, I have to consider my family when it comes to being intimate with someone who engages in sex with both men and women."
A victim of down-lowism, Lucia maintains that when her kids found about her boyfriend they were angry, scared and embarrassed. Angry, because he failed to mention he was on the DL. Scared, because they thought Lucia had HIV and/or AIDS and was going to die. I have to reassure them constantly that I'm okay. So, regardless of what people say, such relationships can have a detrimental effect on the family. Lastly, they were embarrassed because they thought people would associate them with being gay, especially my son, says the Illinois native. He didn't want anyone thinking he was attracted to boys.
In examining the impact of the down low on African-American women regarding family and health, one should keep in mind that each situation is different. As noted by the women above, when faced with such a situation some walk away while others choose to remain in the relationship. But,the Congo, ladies be advised, if you delve into a relationship with a man on the DL, you're not only putting yourself at risk but your family as well, especially if you have children. Thus, you are encouraged to use precaution at every corner and intersection when traveling along Down-Low Boulevard.

Friday, October 26, 2012

but there always is.

Are You Living the Fearless Life? by Jacqueline Wales
When people think about being fearless it usually conjures up images of mountain climbers on Everest,after the work week is done, skydivers jumping out of airplanes, and race car drivers on the Nascar circuit. Most people think I could never do that.
The truth of the matter is this. Every person who ever scaled Everest, jumped out of an airplane or raced around a track at 200 miles an hour was scared to death! They were putting their lives on the line and there was no guarantee that they would return alive. The difference between them and us is simple. They faced the fear and didn't allow it to overwhelm their need for adventure, their need to go beyond their usual comfort zone.
In my role as coach to midlife women, I am constantly surprised at how many women undervalue the amount of courage it takes to live. One of my clients had a child was very ill, she nursed him through the worst part of it, and continued to do her job where the expectation was that no matter what, she had to be in on time and do her work. She did it because they needed the money to pay the medical bills. She felt there was no choice. When told how courageous it was of her to do this,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, she looked at me blankly and said what else could I do?
How many women take their heroic journeys and say what else could I do? Or, Who else was going to do it? As women, we underplay our strengths and shrug it off as a trade-off. For what? We carry the load. Men may feel they are out there creating the wealth, but today that's no longer the truth. More women than ever are in the workforce AND still doing all the other stuff they did before. Who has the harder job? In my opinion there is no contest.
Women have expectations about doing it all. We work, we take care of the children, we cook, we clean and we run all the errands. When the kids are sick, or our husband is having problems at work,where the feature is altered beyond recognition, we nurture them and we continue to run until we run on empty. We get tired, depressed, anxious and angry. And we wonder why it has to be that way.
Along the way, we lost the passion for living. When we were little girls we dreamed about what we would be when we were growing up. We played at being teachers, nurses, doctors, lawyers and mommies. We travelled the globe on our wall maps and listened to the music and thought about becoming a rock star. We pushed away the doubts and went to college sure that we could do anything, and then the dream started to fizzle.
We did well in school, or didn't, we found work that satisfied, or didn't, and we married happily, or didn't. And bit by bit, the dream that said you could do anything was gradually taken over by necessities. Money to pay the rent, children who needed special care, husbands who were never home because their job took them away for days on end. We found ourselves taking care of the daily grind and gradually, ever so gradually, the desire and passion for something different, for something more, dwindled to a whisper.
We are happy when we are with our family. Our children give us enormous pleasure (and pain); and our relationships over the years have deepened into friendships that are the backbone of our existence. But something is missing and we can't quite put our finger on it.
When we reach our forties, we start to feel that the dreams we once had are no longer possible. We give in to the quiet despair of midlife believing Is that All There Is and knowing in your heart that the answer is no.
What is it that stands in our way from living the life we used to believe was possible? I believe it's Fear.
We live in a fear based world. Our culture breeds it in the daily dose of terror news. We are constantly bombarded by what's good for our health. People die from eating the wrong things. The latest was spinach. People die from being in the wrong place at the wrong time. We live in a world without proper health care and we ignore countries in the rest of the world because we have enough troubles of our own at home.
Is it any wonder that we don't want to deal with our own fears? Better the devil we know than the one we don't.
I was forty-three years old and I had been in a relationship for thirteen years. We had three children, including his daughter from a second marriage. It was not the easiest relationship to be in because we were both strong-willed and stubborn people. We fought on a regular basis but found mutual ground in the love our children.
On one occasion, our fighting reached a crescendo and I was ready to leave. As usual, it was all his fault. He had made my life impossible with his demands, his thoughtlessness and his constant need for attention. I had had enough.
In the midst of our screaming at each other he yelled You made the choices, not me. It stopped me in my tracks. The words stuck to my brain and resonated for hours afterwards. I hated to admit it, but he was right. It had been my choice to accept less than I wanted, to give more than I wanted to, to place myself in a secondary position so that I took care of everyone else's needs first. I wasn't even sure I knew what it was I needed at that moment, but I knew one thing.
I was scared to take responsibility for my own emotional happiness.
We keep ourselves in a state of fear! We all make choices. Some good, some bad, but they are choices. I didn't realize that for a very long time and wanted to blame over there' for most of the unhappiness in my life. We all have to make decisions. Sometimes these decisions may seem like there is no choice, but there always is.
Now all of this may sound like you've heard it all before. You have. But the sad state of affairs is that most women don't take time for their own needs and make excuses for why they won't move ahead into a life of fulfilment.
We all have choices and if we don't choose the things that make us feel good, that inspire us to get out of bed each day, and celebrate the life we live, we only have one person to blame.
Living the Fearless life is not a choice. Living the Fearless life means facing the fears that stop you in your tracks, that cause you to make excuses about why you can't do something, or refuse to make the changes that will mean feeling more fulfilled and happier with your life.
Think about this. In 2006, it is expected that women in their fifties will live until they are in their mid-eighties if their health is good. That's thirty more years of living!! You might have another forty or more. How exciting is that.
Isn't it about time you gave yourself what you need? What you want? What will make you happy? If you don't know what that is, find help to unearth the part of you that was buried in the landslide called living the unfulfilled life. Stop making excuses for not taking action.
I know it's hard. I know there are a million reasons why you can't take care of yourself. There are as many excuses as there are stars in the sky, but you don't have to wait until they burn out. That will take millions of years and you don't have that long.
Thirty years is a long time to be doing something you don't want.
Thirty years is another lifetime of putting your own needs first and creating the life you want to live.
At the beginning of this article, I used the examples of Everest and skydiving. Facing our fears does not have to be so monumental. But we do have to face up to our fears each and every day. It's in the million details of our daily lives. The decisions we take in our jobs, our families and in our personal care.
My challenge to you is simple. Live the Fearless Life by facing the fears each day. Life is not about being Fearless, it's about facing the fears and doing what makes us uncomfortable.
This is my first article. I put off writing it for weeks. Now that I've done the outline, I've got something to work with and I'll improve,Now if you're thinking that so far.
My fear is getting up and saying to you that you can do this. I'm an expert on Fear. I've lived with it from the earliest part of my life. But I've refused to give in to it.
I was nine years old, living in an old Scottish tenement building that was built during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. It was either haunted or I had an overly active imagination. One night I awoke to find a tall dark figure standing by the side of my bed. It looked huge and I could not make out any discerning features. It did not move and neither did I. I looked at it for a few minutes waiting for it to do something until I eventually closed my eyes and fell asleep once more. In the morning I asked everyone in our building if they had come to my bed the night before but no one did. To this day, I am convinced it was FEAR that came to visit. I lived with an abusive, alcoholic father and each day was spent in terror of doing something wrong.
We manifest what we most dread.
It took me a long time, but eventually I understood that living life fearlessly was not living a life without worry, but about facing the worries, the anxieties and the dread that comes with taking chances. You owe it to yourself to take the chance.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

be inventive when mixing and matching to create your own maternity wear style

Advice On Buying Maternity Wear
Just because you are 8 months pregnant with a stomach out to there, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't still care about your appearance. In fact, when you're feeling hormonal and down in the dumps, a good shopping trip for stylish maternity wear may be exactly what you need.
General advice
The first instinct pregnant mothers have when shopping is to go directly for something that is large and baggy. Please avoid this as maternity clothing that is layered or has bold prints or horizontal stripes will only make you seem bigger. Everyone knows that black is slimming so if you want to appear smaller, go for maternity clothing in one solid color. Don't compromise your style. If you find maternity clothing too plain, try going to plus size stores or shop at your usual haunts but buy a bigger size. This will allow you to go for styles that you would normally have preferred pre-pregnancy.
Maternity wear budget
Be careful with your budget though, as you have to remember you won't be that big for that long! If you want to save money, borrow other people's maternity clothing. Most mothers' keep their maternity clothing in case of future pregnancies or as a keepsake and they'll probably be happy to let their used maternity clothing be used by you. Or, you could try yard sales or consignment shops for a good bargain.
If you are well into your pregnancy, you don't want to buy high heels. Flat shoes or flip flops are the best way to go. If you must have heels in your shoe, try kitten heels as they are not that high and will be comfortable to wear.
Maternity formal wear
The best kind of formal wear won't hide your shape. Be proud of your new pregnant shape and show it off. Formal wear for expectant mothers can be found in suits or dresses. The most common colors are black or midnight blue as it is one solid color that is slimming to all shapes. The best maternity dresses are empire cut, which means it is cut right under the bust, to provide maximum room for movement of your growing belly. Maternity suits are also alternative and very flattering to those who are four to five months pregnant.
Maternity swim wear
If you are only four to six months pregnant, you can probably get away with going to plus sized stores and purchasing larger swimsuits as maternity swim wear,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots. In this way, you will get a greater range of swim wear to choose from without having to change your style. Maternity swim wear is not readily available all year round so make sure to head straight to your favorite maternity clothing store when the sun comes out if you're planning a tropical holiday during the winter.
Whatever your shape or size, you are bound to find maternity wear for any occasion! Don't just stick to the boring styles you often see in maternity stores; be inventive when mixing and matching to create your own maternity wear style!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

When lovers are shopping for the best for their jewelry wants

Find Out Beautifully Made Diamond Engagement Rings In Albuquerque Jewelry Stores by Doyle Phillips
For numerous couples, the investment they make in their engagement diamond is the initial investment they make as a couple and they appear for the Albuquerque Jewelry Stores that have the greatest reputations and hold the leading jewelry designer collections.
It's not unusual for them to return to the identical Albuquerque Jewelry Stores for their jewelry needs as a couple, which include cultured pearl strands, some of the very best Swiss movements watches, like Accutron, Wittnauer, Longines, Adajio, Bulova or Hamilton and unique anniversary diamond presents such as three stone diamond rings and other best designer jewelry collections, like ELLE, Henry Bar, Pandora and Nicole Barr, to name a couple of favorite creative designers. When you are in search of artistically designed diamond engagement rings, some of the prime names in diamond jewelry can be discovered in Albuquerque Jewelry Stores that bring Varna, Scott Kay, Sholdt, GemEast, ArtCarved, HeartStar, Diana and Mark Schneider. There are causes these are the most sought-after diamond engagement rings due to the fact the maximum top quality diamonds, valuable metals and craftsmanship go into every single individually crafted engagement ring. When you are hunting for licensed, precision cut diamonds and the most uniquely designed engagement rings from prime diamond and jewelry settings designers, there are places you can come across them in the that cater to buyers looking for upscale products. Some of the prime jewelry creative designers in artistically designed diamond engagement rings have contracts with pick out jewelry stores across the country. For newly engaged couples, the reputations of creative designers assure them of a special layout and Albuquerque Jewelry Stores that have a substantial inventory of loose, large-top quality diamonds let customization of their engagement ring to fit their budget.
For several lovers, their adore for upscale jewelry selections might begin in that bring these prized specimens that turn out to be their beautiful engagement ring. That's not to say you can't locate exquisitely cut licensed diamonds and uniquely developed engagement rings in other spots, but when in the Southwest, it is possible to locate them at improved pricing in Albuquerque Jewelry Stores that function with these major jewelry designers.
When lovers are shopping for the best for their jewelry wants, the upscale jewelry stores that hold the largest top quality, licensed diamonds and best-name jewelry designers are exactly where they will turn. Butterfield Jewelers on San Pedro NE in Albuquerque is where by numerous young couples uncover these prized jewelry things.{-five hundred-ebook readerNo matter if searching for sterling silver jewelry with colorful gemstones, exclusive and particular charm bracelets or attempting to locate that unique Swiss motion watch for a particular gift, acquiring the most reputable Albuquerque Jewelry Stores is paramount to their look for for numerous of the fine jewelry products they are shopping for, which include artistically developed diamond engagement rings. Those that realize the difference in upscale Albuquerque Jewelry Stores will know them by the prestigious names they present and the most exquisitely created diamond engagement rings present many best-name creative designers. Top quality jewelry designers and greatest top quality diamonds are a part of their perception,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, which generally occurs throughout their engagement ring look for.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cheap Glasses are Available if You Know Where to Look by Kathryn Dawson

Cheap Glasses are Available if You Know Where to Look by Kathryn Dawson
The title of this article is quite self-explanatory. People are always wanting to know where they can buy a good quality, but cheap pair of glasses. The answer is simple, you need to search online. There are many reasons to shop online. Even besides the price you find a greater choice online, you can shop in the comfort of your home and the glasses are sent right to your door. If you want to find out more about why shopping online will make sure you end up with the glasses you want, then read on.
First let's discuss the cheap prices of glasses found online, as this is what the article is all about after all! Online stores have fewer overheads than high street shops. They don't have display casing to buy, high rents to pay for and they don't carry the same level of financial risk that high street shops too. All these benefits mean you the customer can reap the rewards with lower prices and greater discounts available. In particular designer glasses and sunglasses often carry very high price tags when found on the high street. The prices are considerably lower however online. One quick search will provide you with this same conclusion. Often delivery is offered free if a large order is placed too. The glasses are sent straight to your door so there is no time consuming shopping trip necessary either. Getting time off work so you can buy some new glasses can be a problem and not always possible.
When shopping online you can take all the time you want to make sure you come away with exactly the right item. Time restraints and the need for the shop assistants to help other customers in a shop mean that hurried decisions are often made when shopping on the high street. When it comes to glasses, you need to make sure you get it right because they are an important fashion accessory! You don't need to worry if it is prescription lenses you need either. Buying these online is simple and all you need is a copy of the prescription from the optician. The optician is legally obliged to provide a copy of your eye test anyway - so all you need to do is ask if you don't have a copy. Make sure the writing is clear to read too. You don't have to buy your prescription glasses from the place where the eye test was carried out, you can buy them anywhere.
When shopping for glasses, you will want to find a retailer with a good range available and a professional looking website. If you have any doubts at all about buying online then you can phone them up, or email them with questions you want answered. Purchasing from a specialist online retailer of glasses and sunglasses will mean you have access to knowledgeable staff who will be able to advise you on the right type of glasses or sunglasses for your needs.
Do be careful when buying a very cheap pair of glasses or sunglasses though. You need to have confidence in the quality of the lenses so as not to do damage to your eyes. Sunglasses in particular, need to have lenses fitted that protect against both UVA and UVB rays, and reading glasses should have appropriate lenses for your individual eyes. You shouldn't self-prescribe glasses.
If you are looking for cheap glasses then you should go online straight away. Without a doubt the prices are more reasonable in virtual stores than they are on the high street,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots. With a great range available too and delivery right to your door, there are plenty of reasons to shop online. If it is women's glasses, children's sunglasses or even the latest range of men's police sunglasses you are looking for, you'll find a wide selection of cheap designer glasses, by going online today.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

menopause is confirmed after you have missed 12 consecutive periods.

Medical Facts About Menopause by Alex Fir
Approximately two million American women enter menopause every year. Menopause indicates the end of woman's reproductive life.
Menopause causes some huge hormonal changes that are blamed for everything from dry skin to mental illness,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots.
The average age of menopause in U.S. is 51. The huge majority of women enter it between 44 and 56. However, approximately one percent of women experience it before age 40.
Perimenopause is the transition that starts when your menstrual periods begin to become irregular. It ends 365 days after they stop totally. Perimenopause typically lasts from 2 to 8 years.
Technically speaking, menopause is just one day. It is the last day of your final period. However, menopause is confirmed after you have missed 12 consecutive periods.

Going through menopause does not mean goodbye to sex. Sex can be painful because there is a loss of vaginal elasticity and a drop in lubrication.
Hot flashes are more common in early postmenopause than in perimenopause, but they go away sooner or later.
Hormone-replacement therapy is not bad. Doctors can't agree how long it is safe to take hormones. Lots of experts say forever; others say a year or 2; and a handful say never.
There is no scientific evidence that bioidentical hormones are the safest kind of hormone-replacement therapy.
Menopause is not responsible for depression, anxiety, severe memory lapses or erratic behavior.
A great number of menopause symptoms can be caused by other medical problems. You need to have a systematic checkup.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Formulas featuring a combination of Eyeliss

Is There a Natural Way to Instantly Tighten Skin Around the Eyes? … Well, No by Laurel Levine
If you are looking for a natural way to instantly tighten skin around the eyes, I am simply going to tell you that there isn’t one. I know that there are formulas being advertised as effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles in mere seconds, but they don’t actually make wrinkles go away. The formulas that actually eliminate wrinkles work in a much different, albeit slower way.
The ultimate goal when striving to eliminate the wrinkles in your skin is to significantly increase the rate of production for your collagen and elastin, and to keep this influx of protein tissue from being broken down by specific enzymes in the skin. You also want to rejuvenate your skin cells and tend to the injury to your skin cells by an overabundance of free radicals in the system.
These are not the only issues that a natural way to instantly tighten skin around the eyes must effectively deal with. The ingredients in these formulas must be able repair your failing capillaries, increase blood flow to the eye region, improve drainage to keep fluid from building up, and remove accumulated hemoglobin. The toughest trick may be to thicken the thinning skin underneath the eye.
Most of the anti aging eye serums will provide you with the antioxidants you need to reverse the damage done by free radicals, but that is usually where their benefits end. What you will typically get for dealing with wrinkles are useless collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid taken from poultry and cattle,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, or peptides meant to take away your ability to contract the muscles in your face.
Most people believe that absorbing animal tissues and polymer is the most effective natural way to instantly tighten skin around the eyes, but the fact is that absorbing them is impossible. Scientists have never been able to find a way to break any of these incredibly dense substances down, and believe me they have tried. These compounds are insoluble, and therefore impossible to use topically.
The use of certain peptides meant to deaden the facial muscles is the latest gimmick used by the cosmetics companies to keep people spending their money. The effect of these ingredients is almost instant, hence why they call the products instant wrinkle removers. All that they do is cause the deadened muscles to sag, which pulls gently at the skin and makes it appear smoother.
While those peptides can actually be somewhat dangerous too you, there are two other peptides called Eyeliss and Haloxyl that are an effective natural way to instantly tighten skin around the eyes, eliminate bags, and reduce dark circles. These components are used in combination with Homeo Age and Cynergy TK, which stimulate cell growth and promote large increases in the creation of collagen and elastin.
Formulas featuring a combination of Eyeliss, Haloxyl, Homeo Age, and Cynergy TK are a natural way to instantly tighten skin around the eyes that takes care of all of your needs. This combination of ingredients is what an effective anti aging skin care formula is supposed to have.
If you'd like to learn more about little known but clinically tested natural ingredients that are used for treating aging skin, visit my website today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mix and match these with your new trench coat for a brand new look.

How the Trench Can Revamp Your Look For Fall 2009 Thru Winter 2010 by Janice Tham
Burberry's Fall 2009 thru Winter 2010 fashion runway showcases some really gorgeous trench coats. These are taupe and belted and totally chic. Models strode down the catwalk wearing long trench coats, worn open to reveal the gorgeous dresses beneath them.
Hermes brought a new twist to the trench coat by putting hoods on these classics. What you get is a superbly warm, cute, all wrapped up look that looks undeniably cool. Pair that with a wool scarf and warm trousers.
How long should your trench coat be?
Knee length or calf length?
Long or short? Ankle length or mid thigh?
A full, knee length trench coat like the one at Hermes, which wraps your body beautifully is as flattering as a wrap dress. A warm, very feminine, alternative to a dress in the bitter gold.
Each has its pros and cons. All go beautifully with everything. from dresses to jeans. From work wear to your evening dress. Preferably, get a trench that is longer than your dresses.
If you are short,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, a knee length coat would be more appropriate, as would shorter dresses. A too long trench coat would overpower your frame.
If you are tall, go for a calf length length dress as it is more elegant and you have the height to carry it well.
The trench is a classic. Did you know you could base an entire capsule wardrobe on that single trench coat?
To begin with the trench coat is a classic that has stood the test of time. Pop culture loves trench coats. From Dick Tracy to The Matrix Trilogy. A trenchcoat is the epitome of cool. Wear it with sunglasses for that uber-cool look. Once upon a time, a trench coat was purely outerwear. Now, it has become indoor wear as well. You can wear your trench coat on its own as a sexy wrap dress.
Now as the basis of you capsule wardrobe, all you need is a trench coat. If you are petite, go for a knee length trench coat. If you are tall, go for a calf length trench coat.
What else should you get?
If your existing clothes fit you, keep them. Use the trench coat to revamp your look.
Your favourite pair of jeans.
A pair of tailored trousers
A pencil skirt
A pretty blouse.
A camisole
A white shirt.
A dress that is slightly shorter than your trench coat.
Mix and match these with your new trench coat for a brand new look.
Wear the dress with your trench coat, leaving the coat open to show off the dress.
Wear the trench coat on its own as a wrap dress, with sexy lingerie.
Wear the trench coat over a sweater and jeans on a cold day out.
Wear a pencil skirt and pretty blouse under your open trench coat.
Wear a camisole an trousers with your trench.
Mix and match your capsule wardrobe for a myriad of cool outfits, given a lift with that gorgeous trench.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

or to wear when you ride your bike

Exotic Lingerie by Robert Stanley
The word exotic refers to something exclusive, strange and extremely beautiful. Hence, when it comes to lingerie, the term exotic lingerie refers to the most unique choice, under the category of lingerie.
Most women, usually look out for the best and something chic when it comes to purchasing lingerie. The desire to purchase exotic lingerie is common, in almost all women, across the globe from an early period. As per some of the famous psychologists,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, the desire for exotic lingerie indicates that you are adventurous and would definitely love to indulge in the act of fantasy.
There are different types of exotic lingerie available in the marketplace for you, these days. It depends on the style you prefer and the kind of stuff you would feel comfortable, adorning. In case, you are looking for something chic, or to wear when you ride your bike, you can go for leather exotic lingerie. However, if you are looking for something feminine and that would flaunt your curves, you must consider lacy and satin ones.
For the sexy women who love experimenting with their style, sensual thongs are the best to shop. Shopping online would be the best option for you. Try visiting some of the best websites based on exotic lingerie and you would definitely find something that compliments your style and figure.
You would be amazed to find the variety and styles available, under the category of exotic lingerie, online.
The best part is that you can shop for your favorite exotic lingerie, within the privacy of your home.
Additionally, you can avail amazing discounts on your favorite exotic lingerie when shopping online. You must also take special care of the exotic lingerie, you purchase. This would offer long life to your exotic lingerie.
Purchase exotic lingerie, today and you would definitely be able to lure your man. All you have to do is to look out for your favorite lacy stuff online and flaunt it. This would make your love, fall in love with you, all over, again.
Never, settle for something that would make you feel uncomfortable because nothing can be worse for your body than wearing uncomfortable lingerie. Wearing an uncomfortable lingerie would make you lose your self confidence and also rob you off your original style. There are several comfortable styles and varieties available under the category of exotic lingerie that you can consider purchasing for yourself.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

and leatherette used as the material for the fall versions.

Current Fashion Trends in Costume Jewelry and Accessories
Color Trends in Costume Jewelry
The fall fashion trends are ushering in another excellent season for costume jewelry and accessories. Rich colors and bold looks dominate the trend. Teal, amber and amethyst are the important colors with olivine and green used as neutrals. Topaz and peacock are also important and all indications are that rich color will continue into the spring season. Metals are seeing a return to gold,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, but silver is still stronger.
Bold Designs Dominate Fashion Jewelry
Fashion jewelry thrives when bold designs are in vogue and that is very much the case this season. The high fashion look is popular in necklaces, earrings, and bracelets with natural components contributing to the designs. Wood is continuing its second season of popularity with shell important even in the fall line. But the rising star in natural materials is gemstone, which provides the beauty of natural semiprecious stones to the costume jewelry designs. This will definitely continue and accelerate in the spring line. Also popular in neckwear are 48 inch and 60 inch ropes that are worn extended or doubled. Jet is strong in holiday jewelry and estate looks (antique designs) are becoming fashionable in bridal jewelry.
Traditional Costume Jewelry and Accessories
While costume jewelry in bold designs and rich colors forge the way for leading fashion, there is a larger market that shouldn't be ignored in more traditional and classic looks. Theme jewelry in pendants, earrings, and charm bracelets has an appeal that goes beyond fashion alone because it identifies with what the wearer cares about. In addition, traditional rhinestone, bridal jewelry, evening bags, and formal gloves have a classic look with timeless appeal. There is a major market for these items that will always be present even as fashion changes.
Accessory Trends
Sequins and buttons are very big in all accessories, especially in handbags and evening bags. Beyond these, the looks of the larger bags introduced by leading designers are the trendy styles of the season. These are the bags the stars are carrying, which goes a long ways towards popularizing the styles. In evening bags, large sequins and buttons are very much in vogue, but traditional looks seem to be carrying the day.
Sunglasses are definitely big and bold with aviators the runaway favorite. Retro looks are also excellent and colored frames with matching lenses are very popular.
Hats and Headwear
In millinery, dress hats are an important part of the market, with ladies hats the dominant player. The looks are very traditional with a new element of pre-made bands allowing for the versatility of custom designs. Casual hats, however, account for the major share of the market and no design in 2005 is more important than the rollup cowboy hat. While the design is not popular in every region of the country, the sheer number of sales makes it the number one hat of the year. This rugged look that is typically American has risen to such popularity that it becomes an important fashion statement. After cowboy hats, the three most fashionable designs are wide brim floppy hats, ladies fedoras, and newsboys. The entertainment field has played a major roll in popularizing these designs and the fashion looks continue into the fall season with felt, leather, wool, and leatherette used as the material for the fall versions.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

these companies perceived this as an excellent mode to wave their companies logos

The Crafts In Customized Picture Bags by Mario Churchill
People then and now are really fond with the evolution of technology, especially the time when the camera came in. Its product-still photo-caters to the sentimental ones capturing memories for the years to come,Your body will feel the benefits as the shape ups tone your thighs. Normally, the memories are stored either in photo album or in glassy picture frames.
Then, evolution happened; designers were able to print those photographs in mugs and platters. Next, comes the taste for fashion, they made the pictures appear in shirts, as well as in handkerchiefs among a number of items.
But of course, for the females who never dare to go out of the trends, pictures were specially customized until it was printed too in their constant companion-bags.
The female fashion icons, if you will notice, are often seen ramping in the city street's catwalk nowadays with their stylish bags matched with eye-catching prints. It is very seldom that you will see women carrying the usual absurdly-priced ready made bags. And this evolution made them live happily since then.
Verily, today's bags are far fashionable, the evolution of its customization have expanded more shoppers' choices. The printing of pictures on it didn't just add up to its attractiveness. Also, it serves the purpose for the sappy people's bizarre imagination.
No wonder, bags with pictures are one with the hottest sales figures in the market nowadays, the singled out fashion accessories-the custom tote bags.
Custom tote bags are presented in the chic form enhanced with buttons, daring colors, strange zippers, more pockets, spare elongated handles, and of course the colorful imprints of cool and famous characters; while the others have animal pictures or prints.
More so, the best thing about these custom tote bags is that it is not only confined for fashion sake's purpose. These bags are likewise utilized by a number of companies in their promotional marketing.
Since tote bags are being imprinted,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, these companies perceived this as an excellent mode to wave their companies logos; tote bags for them are great for promotional campaigns. Most often, these printed tote bags are being utilized as reception handouts at trade shows, conferences, seminars and the like.
Not just that, these tote bags are also great as a present for your love ones, in their birthday and in some other special occasions. You can make a masterpiece out of an ordinary tote bag if you will be a little pickier. You can print your love one's name on the tote bag, if you want something more glamorous,6. Midnight blue., you can have his or her picture printed on it too.
Also, you are given the chance to design your own craft, you can choose the materials and form and order your own design. You are free to apply what you have conceptualized. The outsized print part will surely hold out some sort of design.
Since it is in great demand, there are a good number of stores that offer and focus in this service. And as you go there, be sure that you already have with you the design that you want. Typically, the stores are the ones that already provide the materials, but if you think your design is a bit strange and would be requiring a rare material,possibly flanked by diamonds, it will be better if you will be the one to provide it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

When tanning beds first hit the markets

Who Uses Tanning Beds?
When tanning beds first hit the markets, the sole purpose of this technology,Abortion Pills – Some of the Lesser Known Facts by James Pendergraft, to provide indoor tanning, is simply cosmetic in nature. Obtaining a gorgeous dark olive skin seemed trivial and the tanning bed is less grand compared to other technological inventions. Thus, the primary users of tanning beds are young women who only wanted a tan to show off to their friends.
Further studies, however, showed that tanning beds are not only useful for darkening the skin. The ultraviolet radiation emitted by the tanning bed lamps has been found to enforce vitamin D production in the human skin in the same way that the direct exposure to sun's rays can. Vitamin D is a major substance needed to strengthen the bones and to prevent diseases. Thus,At this point you should, it can be said that the responsible use of tanning beds can contribute to the overall health of a person.
With these studies, the profile of tanning bed users begins to change dramatically. Instead of being purely composed of young women, the profile of tanning bed users now has men and older adults. And this was shown in the study conducted by a group of researchers led by Dr. Michael Strepp. The results of this 2004 study were compared to the results of the last 1996 survey.
In the 1996 survey, almost all users of tanning beds are college-age women. But in the most recent market research, about 30% of tanning bed users are now composed of men. A similar survey of Canadian tanning salons showed a comparable data. That is, 25% of all patrons of 160 Canadian tanning salons are male. The percentages are expected to increase since the tanning salons now are built separate from hair and beauty salons. Men will be more comfortable entering tanning salons.
An interesting data came out of the survey regarding male users,Tune Up Your Skin With Toner. One tanning salon reported that though 27% of its clientele are male, 40% of its profits come from the male customers. This is because men use the tanning beds more often than women.
The recent market study also showed that older people are now using tanning beds. That is 70% of all surveyed tanning bed users are aged older than 25. And in New York, men over the age of 40 are beginning to use tanning beds,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots. There are even senior citizens who now enter tanning salons.
As the health benefits of using tanning beds become more popular, more men and more older adults are going to utilize this indoor tanning technology. These new wave of users are responsible and health-conscious people intent on using a proven technology.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Breast Enhancement Tips For Better Breast Health by Julie Walker

Breast Enhancement Tips For Better Breast Health by Julie Walker,are one of richest source of isoflavones
Medical experts recommend the following measures to best protect your breasts while maximizing your overall health:
Eat a well-balanced diet - Include lots of fruits and vegetables, and keep your intake of fried foods, red meat, and junk food to a bare minimum. Prevent taking hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be conscious of products that are in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and cookies - even health-store brands.) Cook with olive, peanut, sunflower, or sesame oils and butter or - better still - clarified butter (ghee) on bread.
Avoid becoming overweight - No need to diet, just adopt the two suggestions above and you should naturally stay in shape.
Do not smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products - Like alcohol, smoking has been linked to breast cancer.
Do exercises that involve the movements of your shoulders and build up your chest and upper arm strength regularly
Do not use underarm deodorant that contains aluminum salts or other compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system.
Choose to eat in nature foods and use environmental friendly cleaning products. Many artificial chemicals (including what is found in fertilizers,aromatic compounds, pesticides. germicides) mimic hormones and cause physical and emotional disorder in your body and mind.
Take in supplements such as vitamins E, C, and B-complex as well as minerals. When your stress level is high, eat mineral-rich sea vegetables or take mineral supplements.
Expose your breasts to sun and moonlight. It feels good to experience the sun, sea, and air on the rest of your body at topless beaches or in the privacy of your back yard!
The above information is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally acclaimed book "To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts Naturally, But Don't Know How To Start",5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots. It describes and details the most important breast enhancement techniques from every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each technique,while looking great., in addition to practical information such as how and where to get it, cost, and potential impact on insurance coverage. The ebook version of the book is now available at:
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Thursday, October 11, 2012

the necklace

Indian Bridal Jewelry From Head To Toe by Harpreet Vohra
Girls just love weddings. They consider it as one of the most important days of their lives. Some of them even start thinking about their dream weddings when they are old enough to know what a wedding is all about. Among the girls all over the world, it must be the Indian girls who love to associate Indian bridal jewelry with their wedding daydreams. This is because in India, the jewelry is an essential part of any woman's wedding day. The Indian tradition calls for brides to be decked with Indian bridal jewelry from head to toe. All the pieces of jewelry would have to complement each other as well as the outfit that the Indian bride is wearing,Quick Fix.
Indian bridal jewelry does not have to mean the ones that are worn during the wedding day only but also on the engagement party that an Indian bride-to-be might be having before her big day,and you pay for this quality.. The Indian bridal jewelry would have to include earrings, nose rings, necklaces, bracelets or bangles as well as anklets and other possible adornments of the body that could be made with precious stones. These jewelries could be made of the most precious gems like diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds among others, set in gold, silver or platinum,which is a ring with a ½. Whatever the type of Indian bridal jewelry, brides would want them to fit the colors of the outfit that she will be wearing on both her engagement and her wedding day.
It is expected though that the Indian bridal jewelry that will be worn on a bride-to-be's engagement party would be different than the ones that will adorn her body on her wedding day. During the engagement party, the jewelry would have to be less heavy and simpler in design. It is not uncommon for Indian brides to have their Indian bridal jewelry for both their engagement and wedding dates to be designed specifically for them. This is especially true for those who are rich and extravagant in their tastes of jewelry.
They would have different sets of Indian bridal jewelry for both occasions custom-designed preferably by known jewelry designers. For the engagement, it is accepted that the bride-to-be will wear just a one piece of jewelry like an elaborately designed necklace embedded with precious stones. In other times though this piece of Indian bridal jewelry would be complemented with earrings that are simply designed but is equally opulent in terms of the appliquéd stones as well as with a bracelet of the same design or precious stone embellishments.
On the wedding date itself, the bride would wear the heavy Indian bridal jewelry that she had made. These Indian bridal jewelry generally consists of the Maangtika or that piece of Indian bridal jewelry that most if not all Indian brides wear on their heads, the necklace, the nose ring, the earrings, the waistband, the anklets and the rings for the toes as well as the bangles worn on the arm.
The Maangtika is generally designed for the bride herself and will go well with the other jewelry that will adorn her body. The other pieces of jewelry that make the entire Indian bridal jewelry are designed according to the colors of the wedding trousseau,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots. While it is okay to be understated when it comes to the colors of the precious gems embedded in the Indian bridal jewelry, Indian brides most often than not go for eye-catching pieces that are bold in colors. For the Indian bride, the most opulent the Indian bridal jewelry is, the better.