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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

like other forms of addiction

The 3 Stages Of Alcoholism
Alcoholism,5879 Ugg Classic Cardy Sand Boots, like other forms of addiction, is a condition that can progressively worsen.
It's generally agreed by medical experts that alcoholism has three or four stages which the chronic drinker will pass through, getting noticeably more addicted after completing each stage.
An understanding of the particular characteristics of each can help an individual suffering from alcoholism and their loved ones to recognize the stages of alcoholism and facilitate recovery.
The first stage of alcoholism is where someone starts to develop growing resilience to the intoxicating effects of alcohol.
When the drinker has reached this point, it requires more and more alcohol to achieve the buzz they have to have.
Often, many people in this stage are unaware of the changes that are taking place within them and would be quick to deny any risk of descending into a full blown alcohol addict.

There's a bit more drama associated with the second stage.
At this point, a strong dependency on alcohol to function in social settings is developing and the individual may not feel confident to function unless they have been drinking.
At this point, the individual's vitally important relationships - especially with with family and friends - begin to erode.
It is at this stage of alcoholism that the individual may sink into debt or have other financial problems, and is likely to lose their job.
And not surprisingly, when they reach the next and final stage of alcoholism,we are able to quickly gain rapport, the situation reaches a climax.
The alcoholic's need for alcohol becomes the driving force in life and the only goal that remains is the pursuit of obtaining more alcohol,global warming.
This by far constitutes the highest risk to the alcoholic's safety of all the stages of alcoholism as the individual engages in increasingly risky behavior.
The alcoholic's physical appearance sees a marked deterioration and the effect on internal body organs such as the liver will start to take their toll,you send it back to the chef..

It is never too late for a person to be weaned off alcohol addiction.
However, the ability to interpret the outward telltale signs plays a key part in how effective the rehabilitation and therapy will be.
This is why it's vitally important for people to understand the stages of alcoholism.

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